Rebuild the Ruins


Written from a personal intimate moment with Christ, Shelly Wilson shares her conservative upbringing in the Church and her coming into a crossroads season of struggle. Deep despair catapulted her into asking Christ for that which she read about in His Word. The very power spoken of by Christ upon His ascension. After years of ministry and little teaching concerning the baptism of the Holy Spirit, she experienced first hand “when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” and is now led to share this moment with others.  In an effort to bring back that which is at large lost in the body of Christ in many denominations, she shares scriptures and other resources to help the Church learn more of this enduement of power, as well as the spiritual gifts bestowed.

Christ desires us to know the truth of His promises and to refrain from walking in fear of the unknown. What we see in the scriptures is offered today as well. In order for the church to return to it’s day of power, we must take another look at the scriptures for a lost treasure that is critical to our last days work.

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